Appuys par leur chef Pierre
Appuys par leur chef Pierre Paul Routhier, les deux conseillers proposent d'instaurer une culture de collaboration tous les niveaux, commencer par les lus, disent ils. Il faut arrter de travailler en silo, nous voulons une culture de collaboration. Innovons et prenons exemple sur l'Europe qui exprimente actuellement un principe de consultation permanente de la population, conclut le candidat la mairie Pierre Paul Routhier.. indoor led display These billboard type of LED panels are driven by a system that basically takes a DVI input and splits data out data to a number of "receiver cards" that actually drive the panels themselves. This means that when you make an irregular shape, the panels aren't in a nice straight line like the DVI card expects, so you have to get creative and remap your video to make it display properly. By making this little test grid I was able to verify that I could in fact remap the video on the fly using Modul8 and MadMapper, two pieces o...